
The Newfoundland
The Newfoundland is one of the grandest of beasts. The true ...

Contests Of Skill.
Lewis and Clarke [Footnote: Vol. II, p. 140.] describe a ga...

Lobster Race
Each competitor gets down on the starting line on all fours a...

Laying Out The Ground
30 yds. +-----------------...

Drop The Handkerchief
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ ...

These preliminary exercises having been practised, the young ...

Roley Poley
(Hat Ball) _5 to 20 players._ _Playground; gymnasium....

Scarf Relay
Divide the room into teams of three rows each. In front of ea...


In going through this book of games the reader will find that the players for various reasons are penalized or required to pay a forfeit. When a player is so fined he must immediately surrender some pocketpiece or ...

New Year's Day
Resolved:--To do my best to-day-- Tomorrow is far away. New Year's day calling and receiving--the custom of our Grandmother's time--is in vogue again. If it is desirable to announce that one w...

Good Resolutions
Each person is given a paper and pencil and requested to write at the top of the page the word "Resolved," followed by expressions of amendment that he or she is conscious of needing. One such attempt at self exami...

Testing Fates
Upon the floor are twelve candles in a row, all alight and each of a different color. Each candle stands for a month in the year. The white one for January, blue for February, pale green for March, bright green for...

Spin The Plate
The players seat themselves in a circle except one who gives all a name pertaining to the calendar and chooses a name for himself. If there are twelve or less players, each take the name of a month. If more than a ...

A New Year's Eve Entertainment
Look through your old newspapers and magazines and cut out all the pictures of the famous men and women of the century you find--everybody, from Decatur to Li Hung Chang, from Daniel Boone to Kruger, from Queen Hor...